Tuna is a saltwater fish with 15 different species. They grow and thrive in several parts of the world and als vary in appearance, size and longevity. Some tuna can live up to 50 years and weigh up to 500 pounds!
The most popular species for consumption are:
Yellowfin– found in tropical waters and also known as (one of the two) ahi tuna
Big eye– known for their big eyes, they are also known as the other ahi tuna and live in tropical regions
Albacore– also known as longfin tuna and found in temperate waters, used in most canned tuna products with a white flesh
Bluefin– found in the Atlantic and Mediterranean sea, it is the largest of the tunas
Skipjack– a smaller tuna, but still delicious, lower in mercury and marketed at a “light tuna”, also comes canned and has a white flesh
What are the health benefits of tuna?
Canned or fresh tuna provides many health benefits including:
Linked to heart health
Linked to lower blood pressure
Linked to improved immune system
Link to improved skin
Linked to cancer reduction
High omega-3 fatty acids
Low calorie
High protein
Can I eat raw or rare tuna?
As long is it handled properly and kept at the correct temperatures, it is safe to eat raw or rare tuna. In fact, most chefs would recommend tuna not be cooked past rare. Some will even refuse if asked to cook it more.