Pomegranate (in my humble opinion) is perhaps one of the most exciting fruits out there from a flavor, texture, and visual standpoint. This reddish, purplish, brownish-colored fruit is round in shape and similar to the size of a navel orange. They are native to the Middle East, the Mediterranean, as well as Asia.
These lovely gems are a winter fruit and some find it hard to know when they are ripe. The dead giveaway here is the skin. When they are ready to be eaten, the skin will be hard, bright, and most importantly, shiny.
When you cut into a pomegranate you, you will see white fleshy bits know as the mesocarp which surrounds clusters of the seeds or flesh. These individual seeds are surrounded by a covering known as an aril.
The aril is roughly the size of a small kernel of corn and is made up of a skin that is holding juice around the seed. The whole package is edible. The skin and the mesocarp, however, is not.